Category: Speaking & Training

  • Resolving conflicts through negotiation

    Resolving conflicts through negotiation. Resolving Conflict is a part of life. Negotiation is how conflicts are resolved. Hopefully, they can be resolved peacefully and to the satisfaction of both parties to the conflict. It is also part of any leaders skill set. Therefore, some of these blog postings will deal with ways a leader can…

  • A handy tool for resolving conflicts.

    A very handy tool for approaching any conflict situation that needs to be resolved is E.A.R.  Ask the people involved to: Express – What you want and what are you doing to get it. Address – Why it is working or not working. Resolve – What ways there are to solve the situation. **For the…

  • Mediators Playing the Devil’s Advocate

    Mediators Playing the Devil ’s Advocate Devil’s Advocate is one of the roles of a mediator. A good mediator such as myself, does not forfeit his personal opinions simply because he serves as a neutral facilitator. These opinions and preconceptions can help inform certain beliefs. However, a strong mediator knows how to view a case…

  • The best way for a legal professional to set up a Twitter Account

    A Twitter Account is only one aspect of Social Media that Legal Professionals need to master. My Project Social Media presents my thoughts regarding the impact of social media marketing on the practice of law. See my page to for more information. The best way for a legal professional to set up a Twitter Account:…

  • Why Twitter for Lawyers? For Listening.

    Twitter as a listening device and headline scanner are aspects of Social Media that Legal Professionals need to master. My Project Social Media presents my thoughts regarding the impact of social media marketing on the practice of law. See my page to for more information. Therefore let’s get to the heart of the matter: Why…

  • To a Lawyer, what is a tweet? i.e. a definition for an attorney.

    Lawyers need to understand the basic definition of a tweet. Twitter is only one aspect of Social Media that Legal Professionals need to master. My Project Social Media presents my thoughts regarding the impact of social media marketing on the practice of law. See my page to for more information. What is a Tweet? A…

  • Listening is the best way to resolve conflicts.

    The better the information you have, the greater your chances of finding a workable solution.  Listen carefully to what others are saying, not judging until you hear everyone’s story.  Be aware of tone of voice, body language, and other clues.  Understand what each person is expressing – what he wants and what he is willing…

  • Lawyer beware: twitter is transmitting more than 140 characters.

    Twitter is only one aspect of Social Media that Legal Professionals need to master. My Project Social Media presents my thoughts regarding the impact of social media marketing on the practice of law. See my page to for more information. What is Twitter transmitting in one tweet? What is a tweet transmitting beyond the 140…

  • For the Lawyer: What is a twitter hashtag?

    For the Lawyer: What is a twitter hashtag? Twitter is only one aspect of Social Media that Legal Professionals need to master. My Project Social Media presents my thoughts regarding the impact of social media marketing on the practice of law. See my page to for more information. What is a twitter hashtag? A hashtag…

  • Twitter terms Lawyers need to know

    Twitter Terms Lawyers Need to Know Twitter terms is only one aspect of Social Media that Legal Professionals need to master. My Project Social Media presents my thoughts regarding the impact of social media marketing on the practice of law. See my page to for more information. What other new twitter terms is there that…