Twitter jargon is only one aspect of Social Media that Legal Professionals need to master. My Project Social Media presents my thoughts regarding the impact of social media marketing on the practice of law. See my page to for more information.
More new twitter jargon for Legal Professionals?
Timeline: a stream of incoming tweets. The timeline tab on your account page will display the posts from people you follow. When you look at your time line you will see what other people post. When they look at your timeline, they will see only what you post.
Trending Topics: On the right side of your twitter page you will find trending topics. It lists the top ten most popular and fastest-growing words or phrases being tweeted at any given moment. The list is refreshed constantly. It often reveals breaking news before mainstream media. The mainstream media uses it to find the news. Often they will be hash tags.
Favorites: Twitter Favorites were first used to bookmark Tweets to be read and savored later. Though not impossible, it is often hard to find a tweet that you saw to review again. Therefore if you see a tweet you liked, maybe a quote, or article, or a testimonial from a client, you save it by making it a Favorite. Your Favorites are public, so it an open index of your favorite tweets. When you favorite a tweet, you add a star to the tweet and, depending on that user’s notification set-up, twitter sends a note to let them know that you like the tweet. It could be analogous to ‘liking’ on Facebook. You can even favor your own tweets.
Tweetup: A tweetup is a preplanned or spontaneous in-person gathering organized largely via twitter. Whether social, professional or revolutionary, a tweetup brings together people who most likely knew each other only on twitter. If you arrive home to find 800 teenagers in your house for an impromptu party, it is most likely the result of a tweetup. It is just effective for ‘revolutionaries’ in a foreign capital.
**Why the picture of flowing water? Twitter is a constant flow of information and communications.
About the Author: Ken Strongman (www.kpstrongman.com) has years of experience and a growing national reputation as a mediator and arbitrator. He has successfully resolved more than a thousand disputes in the fields of construction defects, real estate, intellectual property, and employment. He is also a Mediator and Arbitrator for FINRA.
© 2020 Ken Strongman. All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or repost without permission.